Baudelaire in Nuanced English Translations: 6 Brief Reviews
[version, 23 Sept 2019]
Lon Clay Hill, Jr.
Longer, slitely more precise title:
“Baudelaire in Nuanced English Translations: 6 Briefs (6 Brief Reviews including 5 very brief reviews).
“To say in a sentence what has not been said in a book — what cannot be said in a book”
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
We present 6 “Briefs” (6 fairly short and 5 very short review/previews of 6 books which contain Translated Versions of Baudelaire’s artistic corpus [Poems (mostly from Les Fleurs du Mal) & other esthetic œuvres] designed for an English audience &/or readership. The primary focus of these “Briefs” are to summarize the merits and limitations of these translations for ‘audiences’ with a wide range of competencies and perspectives in both their ‘French’ and in their knowledge of art-&-literature. While the reviewer (LCHj) cannot meet the standard set by Nietzsche for pithy and pregnant phrases or sentences, he will attempt to pose — in a few sentences or paragraphs— sufficient information to assist English readers in choosing one or more books to pursue their interest in understanding the man-&-his poetry. We state explicitly that our fundamental approach is to consider that all of these translations/renderings are properly understood as collections of English poems written by Baudelaire’s poetic “soul brothers &/or sisters.” We consider here both the intentions of the translator and the abilities of the targeted audience. We normally begin our description (“Brief”) of the six collections with a description of the translated or renderings into English with respect to the (1) meaning, (2) tonality, and (3) narrative of Baudelaire’s original work. However, our somewhat longer discussion of the Waldrop renderings also explicitly considers Waldrop’s “aesthetic” assumptions about (the totality of) Baudelaire’s œuvre. [In essence, with respects to Waldrop’s impressive and semantically accurate renderings, we consider here — in somewhat milder terms — issues more fully articulated by Jean-Paul Sartre (1952). Sartre detailed a number of inconsistencies and dissembling in Baudelaire’s self-described “aesthetic principles” as a validation of his descent into the “Dark Side.” [These issues are and will be discusses in more depth elsewhere.]
Definition: “Dual Language Format” — Facing French originals (LHS) & English rendering (RHS) with equal-sized letters
Caveat Lector.
The reader is advised that various peculiarities in punctuation and spelling — inspired in part by Baudelaire and, even more, by Nietzsche — are employed here. Several of these idiosyncrasies address various philosophical, psychological, and epistemological principles which were presciently articulated by Baudelaire himself. In plain English, the reviewer of the 6 books is as interested in what the translators have not said as well as what they have said. And — if the reader does not appreciate the unspoken and controversial implicit assumptions utilized by all such critics and translators, then — they have not really ‘read’ Baudelaire.
Abstract and Caveats [above]
Table of Contents [Below— The List, 6 Briefs, Bookkeeping, Bibliography]
List of Reviewed Books (1955-2006)
The 6 Briefs — Translations and Renderings of Baudelaire’s poems into English poetry.
Bookkeeping: Spelling & Punctuation
Beyond our “Briefs” — Linguistics Reexamined
List of 6 Reviewed Books or Selections (1955—2006)
Charles Baudelaire (1955). The Flowers of Evil: A Selection. Marthiel Mathews & Jackson Mathews, Eds. New Directions: New York, New York. 186 pages, paper. [53 poems w. facing English translations]
Charles Baudelaire (1964). Flowers of Evil and Other Works/Les Fleurs du Mal et Oeuvres Choisies by Charles Baudelaire. Wallace Fowlie, Editor & Translator. A Bantam Dual-Language, Bantam Books: New York. pp. 299 paper. [52 poems, 14 prose poems, etc.]
Charles Baudelaire (1968). Baudelaire. Francis Scarfe, Editor & Translator. Penguin Books: Middlesex, England; Baltimore, MD, USA. 282 pages, paper. [143 poems w. smaller print plain English translations below.]
Charles Baudelaire (1991). The Flowers of Evil & Paris Spleen. William H. Crosby, Translator-&-Editor. BOA Editions, Ltd: Rochester, NY, USA. 510 pages, paper. [211 poems]
Charles Baudelaire (1998). Selected Poems from Les Fleurs du Mal [A Bilingual Edition]. Norman R. Shapiro, Translator-&-Editor. University of Chicago Press: Chicago & London. 246 pages. [73 poems]
Charles Baudelaire (2006). The Flowers of Evil. Keith Waldrop, Editor & Translator. Wesleyan University Press: Middletown, CT, USA. 225 pages.
Six Briefs
The Briefs
Brief (#1) — Baudelaire (1955):
The Book: Charles Baudelaire (1955). The Flowers of Evil: A Selection. Marthiel Mathews & Jackson Mathews, Editors. New Directions: New York, New York. 186 pages, paper. [53 poems w. facing English translations; brief biographical remarks; notes on translators.]
This book presents a modestly large selection of poems in a “poetic” format. The editors have chosen a format in which a translation was chosen which best represents — in the editors’ judgment — a combination of the meaning of the text and the poetic rhythm or tonality of the poem. They have quite consciously endeavored to utilize a number of different translators, because they believe that different translators are “better” at representing various aspects of the wide range of topics, tonality, and narrative presented in Baudelaire’s best known — and, when first published, unusually controversial — collection of poems.
This reviewer considers this effort — keeping in mind the difficulties — quite commendable.
Brief (#2) — Baudelaire (1962):
Charles Baudelaire (1964). Flowers of Evil and Other Works/Les Fleurs du Mal et Oeuvres Choisies by Charles Baudelaire. Wallace Fowlie, Editor & Translator. A Bantam Dual-Language, Bantam Books: New York. 299 pages, paper. [52 poems, 14 prose poems, prose, and letters w. facing English translations.]
As the title states or implies, this book provides a very useful selection of the Baudelaire’s entire artistic corpus. Of special interest, the “Critical Writings” from Curiosités Esthétiques plus the Musical, Art, and Music “Criticism” in the book provide a rare English source for Baudelaire’s unusually broad, and deep understanding of aesthetic realities. From the reviewer’s perspective, Fowlie does an excellent job of rendering Baudelaire’s prose into poetically suggestive and semantic equivalents.
I would, however, demur on one point that Fowlie sometimes misses. Baudelaire is not only focused on nuance — he normally is not seeking “idiomatic” expressions in any language, including English. Sometimes a literal translation of his French words into “awkward” English renders Baudelaire’s idiosyncratic meaning better than all efforts to use the ~99% effective standard “equivalent” rendering of French into English.
Noted: The included Curiosités Esthétiques, 8 essays edited by Gautier (1868), are the focus of a more detailed discussion in the Deep Autumns Flowers Blog
(#3) Brief— Baudelaire (1968):
The Book: Charles Baudelaire (1968). Baudelaire. Francis Scarfe, Editor & Translator. Penguin Books: Middlesex, England; Baltimore, MD, USA. 282 pages, paper. [143 “poems” w. smaller print plain English translations below; 53 page intro provides a ‘historical’ perspective for the man-&-his work]
The Product:
This book provides a very nice introduction to a medium-sized selection of Baudelaire’s entire poetic output (The 143 pieces include 135 poems and 8 prose poems). As stated by the translator, the translations stick close to the original text and translations depart from the customary ‘dictionary’ equivalents only when (he deems that) the deviations are required. Indeed, the small print translations at the bottom of the page are functional equivalents of “Dual Language Texts” that are intended for the English reader is semi-fluent in French. Too bad that the text was not actually prepared in a Formal-Dual Language text. [Such texts are a boon for many of us in the “good, but not always excellent” student category at ~ the 2nd/3rd year of college-level French.
A 53 page introductory section consists mostly of Scarfe’s discussion of Baudelaire’s life as a person as well as an artist. In addition, the introduction serves as a prelude to his division of Baudelaire’s work into 6 mildly ‘historical’ overlapping periods. These divisions have, in the main, stood the test of time. In addition, Scarfe presents pertinent details which support his contention that Baudelaire’s difficult life and self-contradictions could — in actual fact — diminish the aesthetic value of certain poems.
Baudelaire (#4) — Crosby (1991):
The Book: Charles Baudelaire (1991). The Flowers of Evil & Paris Spleen. William H. Crosby, Translator-&-Editor. BOA Editions, Ltd: Rochester, NY, USA. 510 [xxvii+489+4] pages, paper. [211 poems and prose-poems; Woodcuts by David Crosby.]
The Ostensible Translator Intent
This book is an inspired effort to render the linguistic tonality [semantics] of Baudelaire’s two major poetic efforts [Flowers of Evil, Paris Spleen]. By semantics we mean the combined results of the text, tonality, and narrative of each individual poem. Stated slitely differently, Crosby’s text represents his best effort at combining both the denotations and the connotations of each poem into a single text of English poetry. The tributes on the book’s outer jacket by experts Paul Auster and Anna Balakian — who are utterly familiar with the French text and the many English language efforts at translation — tell us that: These renderings of Baudelaire’s poetry are English poems written by Baudelaire’s “blood brother”. The poems do not attempt to reproduce the tonality and rhythm of the French text. Rather, they create a verve and flow which reminds us of Baudelaire’s poetry. Interspersed Woodcuts by David Crosby provide background enhancement.
The Actual Translator Product
We note two instances of Crosby’s efforts in his rendering of the first stanza of Élévation/Elevation: (1) We find the then [~1850 CE] virtually unknown word “galaxy”; & (2) he drops Baudelaire’s “les confins des sphères étoilèes” [Sphere of the ‘Fixed’ Stars]. By the early 20th Century visages of this reigning scientific/astronomical paradigm of nearly 2 millennia were found only in historical studies and, even more infrequently, in rare literary allusions. Without losing a beat, the Crosby text for the stanza moves seamlessly before the contemporary reader — as in this and another ~200 poems. Whether Crosby uses Baudelaire’s nearly exact equivalent, a poetic near equivalent, or a word utterly unknown to Baudelaire — the poems moves swiftly forward with a Baudelairian precision and ambience.
We would note that while the original French is “right before us” if we care to look [e.g., “Dual Language Format”], it is actually of little immediate use for the normal “beginner”. To intellectually ‘collate’ the French and the English you must have both a keen eye-&-ear for precise literary English and an equally keen eye-&-ear for very precise French. It is a worthy project — but is also a commitment requiring some ill-defined combination of both talent and perseverance.
Brief #5 — Baudelaire (1998):
The Book: Charles Baudelaire (1998). Selected Poems from Les Fleurs du Mal [A Bilingual Edition]. Norman R. Shapiro, Translator-&-Editor. University of Chicago Press: Chicago & London. 246 [xxxvii+209] pages. [73 oeuvres from Les Fleurs du Mal; The English texts attempt to render Baudelaire’s French words into a resonant, musical form that embodies both the literal semantics and the musical tonality of Baudelaire’s poetry.].16 sketches by David Schorr are also included.]
Author’s Book:
This selection of English rendering based upon 73 poems by Baudelaire might best be best described as English poems composed an American-USA “blood brother” or “soul brother” [~140 years after Baudelaire’s death]. There are, in fact, no exact terms to describe these poems, but — considering the various linguistic and semantic difficulties — the 73 English poems are quite suggestive in both sense and meaning of Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal as published in an 1861 version.
Indeed, while it contains a slitely larger selection of poems than the Mathews (1955) and Fowlie (1964) selections, this book may be the most suitable of our 6 book set for many readers to begin their first serious encounter with the enticements, niceties, and problematic of Baudelaire’s poetry. While he covers a range of topics and themes, he presently mostly those poems which he considers both interesting and beautiful. [That means, in fact, that Shapiro feels no requirement to give “equal” time and space to those poems which dive deep into the more maudlin and self-pitying proud pessimism of Baudelaire’s “dark side”. (I am fairly sure that Shapiro himself would have stated his concerns in a more neutral language than this.)]
An even smaller selection of 30 Poems in an Anthology edited by Flores is the subject of a detailed review
Curiosités Esthétiques: Baudelaire on Baudelaire’s Poetry
Lon Clay Hill, Jr.
[Initial Post, 15 August 2019]
Brief #6 — Baudelaire (2006):
The Book:
Charles Baudelaire (2006). The Flowers of evil. Keith Waldrop, Editor & Translator. Wesleyan University Press: Middletown, CT, USA. 225 pages. [126 poems + 6 originally banned poems.]
Technical Preliminaries/Translator Intentions .
This book provides 132 English Renderings of 132 Les Fleurs du mal templates. The titles and poems are entirely in English [No French titles or poems are provided]. More than 100 of the poems are short poems and printed on a single page of English text. This selection have been rendered into a “poetic” English text embodying a twofold purpose. As with the selections by the Mathews (1955), Fowlie (1964), and Shapiro (1998) the author’s declared intention is to create — with English words — a poetic suggestion of both the essential denotative meaning and (holistic) connotative suggestions associated, most especially, with the tonality of the French originals.
The Actual Product.
If we were able to reduce Baudelaire’s poems into words deriving their entire meaning from their dictionary meanings plus the semantic context of their surrounding phrases and stanzas, then this selection could be praised because renders many of the Baudelaire’s words and their more critical connotations into an enriched iambic pentameter-like prosody mildly suggestive of the original 132 poems translated here. Indeed, as a semantic translation these 132 rendering have much to commend themselves. They provide an excellent introduction to the semantics of Baudelaire’s poetry — as Les Fleurs du mal provides a capital introduction to Baudelaire’s poetic corpus.
However, Baudelaire’s poetry can be characterized by three intertwined, but distinguishable characteristics. First, Baudelaire is a premier wordsmith who combines descriptions and innovative metaphors from an unusually broad trove of multi-sensorial venues. Second, his poems provide a tonality or background of musicality which may enhance, hinder, or even counter the semantics of the text. Third, every poem is a unique whole which tells a story. These stories can be provided on an even keel or in either an ascending or a descending tone. Whether these poems are soaring, optimistic, becalmed, or deeply pessimistic, they can be good or excellent poems — even masterpieces [all readers and critics will naturally have their preferences]. However, some of the poems dive so deep into maudlin self-pity and masochistic fantasy that at times they become kitsch and aesthetic drivel (understating the case). It is, I believe, quite legitimate for anyone to provide, for example, a forensic examination of a mass murder from the perspective of the bottommost corpse. It the author is a poetic genius such as Baudelaire, well, then we have a poem — perhaps even a masterpiece. But some of Baudelaire’s poems descend into a darkness that reminds of the Nazis who “enjoyed” Wagner’s music while they were dispatching the skins and organs of their Jewish, albino, and gypsy prisoners. Many
Angel Flores, Editor (1958). Anthology of French Poetry from Nerval to Valéry in English translations. Anchor Books, Doubleday & Company, Inc.: Garden City, New York. 480 pages, paper. (English Renderings of Baudelaire’s Poems are found on pages 15-59; French originals found on pages 294-323.
Bookkeeping: Spelling, Punctuation, “Quotations”
Bookkeeping: Idiosyncratic words, spelling, & pronunciations. — Spelled out!
These remarks may be superfluous for some readers — including those who are acquainted with other writings or postings by this reviewer (LCHj). However, here we are dealing explicitly with two very nuanced subjects [Baudelaire’s French text and their English renderings (“translations”)] and implicitly with other equally complex issues that touch upon the uncertain boundaries between our selves/souls and our work [including, of course, the relationship between Baudelaire’s troubled life and his touted poetry]. When I wish to state something in as precise a manner as is as practically achievable at the moment, I expect from all readers as much respect for my efforts as they give to Baudelaire’s words, tonality, or his narrative dives into “The Dark Side” [&/or, whatever other feature engages them. [I do not expect or agreement — indeed both honest and disingenuous criticism is often quite helpful. (Strongly “biased” criticism is, however, usually harder for me to parse.) Vide Infra!
Favorite Phrase: Vide Infra! — This Latin Phrase (“Look Below” e.g., in the text) is most often found in legal and other (“high brow”) documents for the cognoscenti. However, I normally use the phrase at point when — some some readers and, certainly, I sense that there are disparate implications which I must forgo immediate discussion in order to pursue the topic which I deem to be most important [for the moment, at least].
Note on the Title: Expanded Remarks w. respect to “Briefs”
“Brief”: Before the reader, the judge, the writer, the critic or the poet reads any book, views any painting or touches-&-views any sculpture an unenumerated host of events have brought him/her to the moment when the book (or other object) is opened or otherwise engaged. For our summary reviews-and-previews [usually ~ 1-3 short paragraphs] we have adapted the word “Brief” to emphasize the role of the reader’s judgment in utilizing this communication. Our term “brief” could easily be replaced by the longer “Annotated Bibliography”. However, we have adopted “brief” by way of contrast to our other — and longer — book reviews of Baudelaire and his poetry [“Breviers”]. The reviewer’s [LCHj] broader term “Brevier” refers to reviews consisting usually of at least a few paragraphs. The “Breviers” posted in our series about Baudelaire and his work address or allude to a number of issues in addition to the linguistic issues highlited in these 10 “briefs”.
Caveat Lector. Amplifications — Punctuation, Spelling, “Quotations”
You will encounter “anomalous” idiosyncratic punctuation in these briefs which are often (1) extensions of the conscious use of novel punctuation by Baudelaire to provide ‘auditory’ emphasis and/or (2) continuations of similar punctuation devices employed by Friedrich Nietzsche. Baudelaire states somewhere that his editor can remove a section of a text at his discretion, but he cannot remove his commas. Part of my efforts along these lines is to enclose my long dashes within spaces: “word1 — word2”. This neutralizes many aggressive computer algorithms that “read” “word1—word2” as a single semantic unit (word).
In the reviewer’s work for a master’s degree [U.T. Austin, 1982] and his Ph.D. [Univ. Iowa, 1989] the author has — when no serious ambiguities are involved — largely avoided use of ungodly Germanic Gutturals [i.e., “gh” & “ght”] when spelling a number of common English words [thru, altho, nite, lite]. Those guttural consonants have not been used in most English-speaking dialects since the days of Alfred the Great (~848-899 CE).
The preferred practice for using quotation marks at the end of a sentence or phrase is to place a comma or period before the ending quotation mark. This convention is certainly useful as an indicator that the quoted phrase is part of a continuing conversation. However, in this discussion of Baudelaire and his translators, we frequently encounter 1-2 word terms which are essentially single semantic units [in common parlance “words”]. These semantic units are not per se quotations within a continuing conversations. Rather they are the linguistic objects of our discussion. Thus, when citing Baudelaire’s exact words and in quoting a featured translator’s rendering of these terms into English — it has become my common practice to enclose these citations with double quotation marks which are free of intervening (extraneous) periods and commas.
A Foolish Consistency: A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds and, for example, try as we will, it is impossible for any of us to “properly” delimit the range of terms such as aesthetics, beauty, and religion as used in almost all serious discussions of Baudelaire’s poetry. Indeed, some of Baudelaire’s favorite terms (ennui, spleen, douleur, guignon…) appear impossible to describe definitively [I don’t even try.]. Mistakes, however, occur and I will appreciate any corrections .
End of Bookkeeping Section
Beyond our “Briefs” — Linguistics Reexamined
Beyond our “Briefs” — Topics for another day: Linguistics Reexamined (Uncertain boundaries between psychology-&-philosophy, selfhood-&-work pertinent to understanding Baudelaire’s underlying perspectives.)
Ernst Nagel & James R. Newman (1956). “Goedel’s Proof” in: The World of Mathematics, vol. 3, James R. Newman, editor. pp. 1668-1695. Simon and Schuster: New York.
Noam Chomsky (1957). Syntactic Structures. Mouton & Co.: Gravenhage.
Walter Kaufmann, Editor & Translator (1975). Twenty-five German Poets: A Bilingual Collection. Norton & Company Inc.: New York. pp. 345.
[Version, 28 July 2019]
Lon Clay Hill, Jr.
Contents: A modest selection of translated poems which may help English-speaking persons who are not fluent in French in understanding why Baudelaire is considered by many to be France’s greatest modern poet. We consider 30 poems and 3 prose-poems in nuanced translations which render Baudelaire’s “poetic conceits” — his aesthetic Weltanschauung — into 33 readable texts which allowing the reader to glimpse the workmanship of this most nuanced of poets working with a language which celebrates nuance (nuances in sensory descriptions, nuances in metaphors, and nuances in existential philosophy).
The Book — Our Focus, translations on pages 15-59.
Angel Flores, Editor (1958). Anthology of French Poetry from Nerval to Valéry in English translations. Anchor Books, Doubleday & Company, Inc.: Garden City, New York. 480 pages, paper [xviii+456+6]. (French originals found towards rear in French Texts texts, pp. 287-443). English Renderings of Baudelaire’s Poems are found on pages 15-59; French originals of the Baudelaire poems — in smaller print — are found on pages 294-323.
This brief commentary focuses on 33 poetic works (technically, 30 poems and 3 prose poems) written by Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) which were translated into English by various translators. These renderings were later collected in a now old anthology edited by Angel Flores (1958). This commentary is part of an ongoing effort by this author to understand [with my mind’s eye, my mind’s ear, and my gut] why Baudelaire is considered by a significant number of artists, writers, and critics to be the most important French poet of the modern era [e.g., ~1850-2000]. Indeed, some commentators consider Baudelaire to be the most important modern European poet. The effort here is largely restricted to understanding Baudelaire’s poetic or aesthetic ideas (understanding Baudelaire’s poetry per se requires us to dive deeper into Baudelaire’s poetry as heard). [Baudelaire’s spoken poems will be the subject of coming commentaries.]
The primary audiences targeted here are (A) English speaking readers who are not fluent in French and (B) those readers who are particularly sensitive to the interactions between philosophy and poetry. Flores’s anthology is particularly suited to the person who is not fluent in French because it focuses on (1) Baudelaire’s best efforts and (2) utilizes poems of moderately consistent tonality [as rendered by a small number of translators]. The author hopes that his commentary may also be helpful because his own protestant religious-philosophical assumptions are intermediate between Baudelaire’s Roman Catholic predispositions and the dominant secular predispositions of many who appreciate Baudelaire’s poetry. My own effort is further guided by the fundamental assumption that “Beauty is Truth and Truth is Beauty.” Which is another way of saying that while we are writing about poetry and art, we are simultaneously utilizing and exploring epistemological ideas.
Reading Notes on 33 English Renderings of 33 Poems by Charles Baudelaire
[A longer, somewhat more precise title]
Article Sections:
I. Introduction
II. 33 Poems: Reading Notes on 33 English Translations
III. Conclusions
IV. 11 Translators
V. Beyond these Translations
VI. Bibliography
While Charles Baudelaire received scattered acclaim and some well-publicized notoriety during his lifetime, in the next few decades his star began to rise and today, in some circles, he is considered to be France’s premier modern poet and even, occasionally, Europe’s premier poet of the last two centuries. As Baudelaire’s poetry utilizes — among other things — some unusually nuanced French, it may be difficult for those whose French is limited to appreciate why Baudelaire might be given such high acclaim in various quarters. The problem is amplified, however, by several additional considerations. One, the individual narratives of Baudelaire’s poems runs an unusually broad gamut of tones, moods, and perspectives. Some poems are quite concrete and local while others may be quite general or even metaphysical. Most are, in part at least, both local and philosophical and somewhat uneven in the sensations and emotions which they evoke. Some poems are celebratory, some are mellow, some are resigned, some are sad, and some are utterly despondent. Secondly, some poems travel on an even keel, while others darken as they proceed, and a few end on short and sharp upheavals [bouleversements]. Third, Baudelaire’s poetry was written to be heard. Baudelaire’s poetry is musical. It is no accident that several of his poems have been set to music. Finally, further complicating matters, Baudelaire’s personal life — especially, his early separation from his mother’s affection after she remarried and his long-running and troubled affair with Jeanne Duval — left him with deep wounds which he could only inconsistently master. These wounds affected not only his perspectives (his Weltanschauung), but because he would attempt to keep these wounds hidden from both himself and others — these wounds inevitably damaged the poetic integrity of his work [much more obvious in some poems than others]. I will deal with these complications in much more detail elsewhere. However, these very complications provide a superb opportunity to consider translations of 30 poems (and 3 ‘prose-poems’) by Baudelaire which are contained in Angel Flores’s (1958). Anthology of French Poetry from Nerval to Valéry in English translations (1958).
The Flores anthology presents a modest selection of Baudelaire poems translated into English — renderings which Flores rightfully, I believe, considered to be poems in their own right. [The French text of the poems are found at the end of the book so our immediate attention is drawn to the English renderings.] Her selection does not attempt to cover the full range of Baudelaire poetic efforts and ‘conceits’. Instead, she considers the best of Baudelaire’s work and, in addition, generally prefers those poems delivered either on an even keel or on a slowly changing perspective as the poet develops his theme. As a general rule she does not highlite Baudelaire’s more maudlin or his deliberately blasphemous efforts — altho hints of such Baudelairian inclinations are inescapable. We should note that most of Baudelaire’s poems have a negative tonality which is often developed within a descending register. Whether the poem begins with a positive, neutral, or gloomy note, when the poem ends we are often presented with inescapable pain or death, plus defiance against or submission to life’s ills [All modulated or even contradicted by the usually more mellow or even uplifting rhythm of the poem]. The incredible range of tonality and topics of Baudelaire’s poetry means that in selections with English translations — a wide variety of translators are represented in many Baudelaire anthologies (e.g., Fowlie, 1964). An additional advantage of the Flores anthology is that a relatively small number of translators are represented with three of them (Gibbs, Flores, Watkins) accounting for slitely more than half of the poems. Again, we are limited in the range of poetic voices — and can focus on the more “generic” renderings. [There is, of course, no generic Baudelairean poem. But sometimes we must begin with a simplification in order to get our bearings.]
What I have done below, then, is to list these 33 English renderings and provide some very brief notes. Some notes are very brief — a single sentence or phrase. In other cases, we quote a few sentences and/or provide a short paragraph. Obviously, this approach will work best with English speaking readers who have access to the Flores Text and/or lovers of Baudelaire’s poetry who are already familiar with Baudelaire in French, but who are not that sensitive to Baudelaire’s very nuanced — even if self-contradictory at times — Roman Catholic background. We should note that some of the poems are dominated by a visual image or image set (e.g., The Albatross; The Swan) that keeps the entire poem in focus. And, furthermore, that Baudelaire’s poetry is singularly rich in the tactile and olfactory (scents, smells) details and metaphors as well as the visible and auditory details and metaphors found in almost all poetry. Baudelaire is a wordsmith of the highest order and blends these images into individual poems. The particular translators of these poems are themselves excellent wordsmiths — and provide us with lovely introductions to the ideas or conceits of Baudelaire’s aesthetics-in-action (Referred to by Baudelaire as his “Spleen”). Once the reader actually hears Baudelaire’s poems in French, he or she will have been oriented to understanding why Baudelaire was a great poet! My own contribution here is to add commentary which may clarify the connection between Baudelaire’s craft and his aesthetics-and-underlying philosophy (more precisely, his Weltanschauung — in Baudelaire’s own words, his “Metaphysics”). As a general rule, I believe that while Baudelaire’s pose as an poet narrator suggests an “objective” narrator — the power of his poetry is derived from the fact that when we actually hear or imagine the voice of the narrator we almost always hear a human witness (sometimes in muted tones)
II. 33 Poems: Reading Notes
1. To The Reader/Au Lecteur — Flores, Editor (1958); Stanley Kunitz, Translator, pp. 17-18
Poem Format — 10 stanzas w. 4 lines in each stanza
Introduction to “Ennui”. A secular Catholic speaks of sin and entices the reader into looking at his own soul!
2. Benediction/Bénédiction — Flores, Editor (1958); Stephen Stepanchev, Translator, pp. 18-20
Poem Format — 19 stanzas w. 4 lines in each stanza
A long diatribe against a deceitful lover as “reported” from within the poet’s nearly hermetically sealed psychic cage.
3. The Albatross/L’Albatros — Flores, Editor (1958); Kate Flores, Translator, p. 21
Poem Format — 4 stanzas w. 4 lines in each stanza
A single image dominates this brief poems — one of his greatest. The awkward and scorned albatross while on land is transformed, once he has launched, and soars into the sky! The “Albatross” is the poet himself — in one of those rare moments when his primary focus remains upon his upward strivings.
4. Correspondences/Correspondances — Flores, Editor (1958); Kate Flores, Translator, pp. 21-22
The poet describes and celebrates the blessings of nature!
5. The Enemy/L’Ennemi — Flores, Editor (1958); Vernon Watkins, Translator, p. 22
One of Baudelaire’s eloquently pessimistic poems with his melancholia in full force! The seasons move, the leaves fall as autumn comes, followed by cold and sterile winter as “Death’s Dominion” overcomes the living.
6. The Former Life/La Vie antérieure —Flores, Editor (1958); Dwight Durling, Translator, p. 23
This short poem describes a seemingly idyllic scene which in the last two lines reveal as having hidden a secret — very deep and dark — “Douleur” [e.g., an inwardly writhing sorrow].
7. Beauty/La Beauté
Flores, Editor (1958); Bert M-P. Leefmans, Translator, pp. 23-24
A “Secret Admirer” (the poet) asserts an objective appreciation for a very proud and indifferent beauty. Truth to tell, it strikes me that the admirer is frozen in unrequited pain.
8. Posthumous Remorse/Remords posthume
Flores, Editor (1958); Barbara Gibbs, Translator, p. 24
“When you shall sleep, my faithless one under/A monument built all of gloomy marble…And the worm will gnaw your flesh like a remorse.” Baudelaire’s melancholia permeates a short poem with arguments and descriptions which are replete with a desire for revenge…. Revenge is present “all the way down”. Indeed when we reach the last line, his desire for revenge is all that is left is to see.
9. I offer you this verse…/“Je te donne ces vers”
Flores, Editor (1958); Vernon Watkins, Translator, p. 25
First 2 lines … last line — “I offer you this verse so that if once my name/Beaches with good fortune on epochs far away… Accurst being… Statue with eyes of jet, great angle browed with bronze!”
In this poem, the poet looks backwards-and-forward with bitter pride, but when the litany is over he is again a nearly Frozen Admirer — but in this case his pride remains nearly intact.
10, The Vial/Le Flacon
Flores, Editor (1958); Kate Flores, Translator, pp. 25-26
Poem Format — 7 stanzas w. 4 lines in each stanza
A poem of simple descent accompanied by thoughtful remarks and interesting details which fall like petals from a flower. Vials of perfume become potions which then become poisons as the waiting Grave portends and eventually rules.
11. Invitation to the voyage/L’Invitation au voyage
Flores, Editor (1958); Richard Wilbur, Translator, pp. 26-27
Poem Format — 3 stanzas are each followed by the two line chorus.
A strangely mellow pessimism. Even simply as written text, the short chorus seems to interrupt the apparent pessimism of the soul’s journey to the waiting harbor of death.
12. Music/La Musique
Flores, Editor (1958); Robert Fitzgerald, Translator, p. 28
For all of Baudelaire’s musicality — in this particular poem all we read is a message of moderately calm despair.
13. The Cracked Bell/La Cloche Fêlée
Flores, Editor (1958); Vernon Watkins, Translator, pp. 28-29
Sonnet 4-4-3-3 Format.
“It is bitter and sweet, during the Winter night,/To listen…/To memories…that ascend…/On the carillons whose music sings out through the fog,/… [until] … [my soul] … Seems a wounded man’s rattle… [and the man] dies… in immense throes of dread!”
The Winter bell strikes him like a death rattle. The entire poem is, as it were, a Death Drip — a Job suffering with his pain centers heightened by steroids or some other malevolent “medication”!
14. Spleen "When the oppressive sky …"/Spleen “Quand le ciel bas couvercle…”
Flores, Editor (1958); Barbara Gibbs, Translator, p. 29
Format — 5 Stanzas, each w. 4 lines
“When the oppressive sky weighs like a cover/On the sick spirit, in the toils of ennui/ …[until] … Hope vanquished/Weeps, and atrocious, despotic Anguish/Plants on my bowed head her black flag.”
Pessimism all the way down. In actual fact, the poem is so well constructed [rain spreads, bells clamor, hearses file along…] that the poem succeeds as a poem. We sense that there is a witness here. We have a poet who at times can only say “My God, why has thou forsaken me!?” (and who — for whatever reasons — usually cannot or will not speak of the “lilies of the field” … [An expectation we often have for poets and artists!!??]
15. Heautontimoroumenos/L’Héautontimorouménos
Flores, Editor (1958); Bert M-P. Leefmans, Translator, p. 30
Poem Format — 7 stanzas w. 4 lines in each stanza
“I shall strike you without anger/And without hate, as a butcher strikes,/As Moses struck the rock! …-…-… I am the limbs and the wheel/And condemned and executioner!/I am the vampire of my heart:/One of the lost forever,/ Condemned to eternal laughter/And who can never smile again.”
Furious anger! “Like flies to the Gods, you say. Oh no! I, Charles Baudelaire, can do much better than that!!”
16. Landscape/Paysage
Flores, Editor (1958); Vernon Watkins, Translator, p. 31
Poem Format — 3 stanzas, 28 lines in toto.
“I want, the more chastely to compose my verse,/To sleep close to the sky, like the astrologers,/ …-…/And when Winter comes…/I shall close all…shutters and lattices/ …-…/The tumult at my window …/Shall not cause me to lift my forehead [as] I shall be absorbed… [in]…Drawing from my burning thoughts an atmosphere of balm.”
This particular poem is about as calm and as positive as anything Baudelaire ever wrote. It is almost as if the poet were Prometheus as portrayed by Camus — but listening to a music which softens and, to some extent, overpowers the incessant pain.
17. The Swan/Le Cygne
Flores, Editor (1958); Kate Flores, Translator, pp. 32-33
Poem Format — 13 Stanzas, each with 4 lines. Two parts w. 7 and 6 stanzas.
In my opinion, one of Baudelaire’s greatest poems. In the first sentence we are introduced to Andromache, Hector’s widow, who is carried off as a choice concubine at the end of the destruction. We are almost immediately taken back to Euripides’ Trojan Women. Soon after she is introduced, we are provided by a striking visual image of a swan caught on dry pavement where she is nearly completely hobbled. [When I read this poem I simply cannot get the image out of my mind!] In the second part of the poem, other victims of rape, rapine, and enslavement are introduced. A cry of moral outrage (misercordia) penetrates the entire poem as the detailed description of the swan’s struggles are generalized into a critique of entitled male cruelty — a criticism which is more trenchant, more compelling, than what we might perhaps expect even from a misanthropic feminist.
18. The Seven Old Men/Les Sept vieillards
Flores, , Editor (1958); Barbara Gibbs, Translator, pp. 34-35
Poem Format — 13 Stanzas, each with 4 lines.
One foggy morning an apparition is seen which soon multiplies itself into seven identical crippled centenarians. Gradually the author finds that he himself is lost “without masts on a monstrous sea.”
19. The Little Old Women/Les Petites vieilles
Flores,, Editor (1958); Barbara Gibbs, Translator, pp. 36-38
Format — A four part poem with 21 Stanzas, each with 4 lines.
This poem is similar in tone and and in its moderately even cadence to “The Seven Old Men”, but the subjects are very diverse women whose “souls [are] whipped by iniquitous north-winds [as] they creep in their tattered skirts”. Details multiply: “Mothers of the bleeding heart, courtesans/Or saints, whose names were once on every tongue”… Eventually, the poet begins to tie it together as he summons “up your last days;
My heart, multiplied, revels in your vices! My soul grows resplendent with your virtues!” …
While Baudelaire provided the label “Spleen” to several of his poems, this particular and moderately long poem is — to my mind — among the very best examples of such Spleen. By the end of the poem he is still holding out for his poetic equivalent of what Nietzsche labelled “Amor Fati” — the acceptance and celebration of all that exists as “good.” However, with Baudelaire there are usually various “stray” emotions (enjoyment of forbidden delights, sympathetic horror, intimations of revenge) accompanying his Spleen. In this instance, however, these minor emotional shades remain largely in the background.
20. The Love of Deceit/L’Amour du mensonge
Flores, Editor (1958); Dwight Durling, Translator, p. 39
Format — 6 Stanzas, each with 4 lines.
The blessings of ripe fruits taken before they rot and other, more shallow pleasures!
21. I have not forgotten…/Je n’ai pas oublié…
Flores, Editor (1958); Vernon Watkins, Translator, p. 40
Format — 10 lines
A mildly pleasant trip down memory lane.
22. Morning Twilight/Le Crépuscule du matin
Flores, Editor (1958); Barbara Gibbs, Translator, p. 40-41
Format: 28 lines within 4 Stanzas [2, 9, 13, 4 lines]. The 2nd and 3rd stanzas carry the weight of the tale.
“As Paris … woke like an ancient drudge to another day’s work.”
A narrative poem — “The soul begins to imitate the boundary between daylite and dark.”
A brief intro is followed by 2 long stanzas carrying the weight of the poem. The final stanza bring a mildly dramatic end to a mostly rather even presentation of the unhappy souls whose live outside the glare of success and celebration.
The dark underbelly of the sleeping and working poor and other forgotten souls are hilighted in this poetic narrative.
23. Beatrice/La Béatrice
Flores, Editor (1958); Stephen Stepanchev, Translator, p. 41
A troop of demons appears — and then a revengeful lover!
24. A Voyage to Cythera/Un Voyage à Cythère
Flores, Editor (1958); Frederick Morgan, Translator, p. 42-44
The poet describes the pains of love with all the gruesome details and exactitude of a forensic excavation of mass graves — from the perspective of the bottommost corpse.
25. The Voyage/Le Voyage
Flores, Editor (1958); Barbara Gibbs, Translator, p. 45-50
Format — A long poem with 8 Sections. 35 Stanzas w. 4 lines. And three very shorter stanzas, 2 consisting of a single line.
This poem celebrates those who seek out the unknown, the new.
In section I: “One morning we set out…following the wave’s rhythm,/ Cradling our infinite on the seas’ finite:”
…-[after many ups-and-downs]-…
By section VIII: we now have “Death, old captain, it’s time to weigh anchor!/ … We long, so does this fire burn in our brains,/To dive into the gulf, Hell or Heaven,/What matter? Into the unknown in search of the New!”
This poem presents a plethora of details — both experiences and moods — to create an overall mixture of pain, adventure, seeming defeat, and assertive resistance. The poet then declares his victory. However, unlike Prometheus in Camus’s fable — this Voyager does not return again and again to the same task. Baudelaire’s Voyager tacks this way and that —and sometimes turns around as his daemon (his “Ennui”) flickers in the wind as his own flame weakens and is apparently foredoomed.
26. Lesbos/Lesbos
Flores, Editor (1958); Barbara Gibbs, Translator, pp. 51-53
Forbidden pleasures are examined (with delight) — and then the Grand Inquisitor purports to give the last word. In this instance Baudelaire’s puritan Roman Catholicism is worse than his blasphemies.
27. Lethe/Le Léthe
Flores, Editor (1958); Barbara Gibbs, Translator, pp. 53-54
Format — 6 Stanzas w. 4 lines
Sexual Pleasure and masochistic pain.
28. Epigraph for a Condemned Book/Epigraphe pour un livre condamné
Flores, Editor (1958); Kate Flores, Translator, p. 54
Format: Sonnet 4-4-3-3 Format.
A poem accompanied with oblique details and reasons why some people should read his censored book and why others should not — all articulated by the censored poet himself. The expostulations end, however, with characteristic Baudelairean spleen — A curse for those censors and detractors who continue to condemn him and his work.
29. Meditation/Recueillement
Flores, Editor (1958); Dwight Durling, Translator, p. 55
Sonnet 4-4-3-3 Format.
Traveling in the imagination, the poet recites a number of life’s miseries and yet — in spite of itself — comes peacefully into the Harbor as life ends.
30. The Abyss/Le Gouffre
Flores, Editor (1958); Kate Flores, Translator, pp. 55-56
Prose Poem
Baudelaire references Pascal’s fear and trembling while considering the vast physical and psychological-spiritual infinitudes of space, time, and life. While Pascal’s efforts — esp. his “Wager” — present their own difficulties, Baudelaire’s response here — basically to simply jump into the void — presents only an episode in Baudelaire’s inner life. However, in this instance the “art” produced here is of markedly inferior quality.
31. At One O’Clock in the Morning/Á Une Heure du matin
Flores, Editor (1958); Bert M-P. Leefmans, Translator, pp. 56-57
Prose Poem
A soliloquy in which the poets tries to find peace and respite after spending an entire day dealing with small problems, superficial chatter, and a medley of distractions. He ends with a prayer. “[O]h Lord my God, accord me the grace to produce a few lovely verses which will prove that I am not the last of men, that I am not inferior to those I scorn.”
32. Be Drunk/Enivrez-vous
Flores, Editor (1958); William M. Davis, Translator, pp. 57-58
Prose Poem
A very short, but very personal rant. The “piece” ends with a summarizing injunction: “It is time to be drunk! To throw off the chains and martyrdom of Time, be drunk; be drunk eternally! With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you please.”
33. Anywhere Out of the World/Anywhere Out of the World
Flores, Editor (1958); William M. Davis, Translator, pp. 58-59
Prose Poem
A slitely longer complaint than Be Drunk. The complaint begins with: “This life is a hospital where every patient longs desperately to change his bed.” The complaint ends with: “Finally, my soul explodes, crying: “Anywhere! Anywhere! As long as it be out of this world!”
In between are many interesting details and precise words. This small “Confession” reminds me in many ways of Kafka. Kafka describes harrowing and terrorizing scenes in a prose that focuses on various minute and commonplace details in a matter-of-fact that only underscores the overall terror of his surroundings. In a somewhat similar manner Baudelaire presents seemingly normal - if guarded - geographical details of various places on earth while the poet is slowly going entirely out of his mind.
III. Conclusions
Our remarks here are mostly suggestive. We have dealt only with a suggestive understanding of Baudelaire’s artistic and poetic ideas. We have not dealt with the man as a poet and as a man except indirectly. However, for myself, this inquiry was necessary for me to break ground on key epistemological and psychological issues which are often obscured in Baudelaire’s own writings. Like Baudelaire, I believe that when one reaches the limits of our inquiries, it is time to reach for metaphors which recast our inquiry. So I have encapsulated my own epistemological issues, especially, with metaphors. However, there is a need for a systematic inquiry of these issues. We do not explore the issue in depth here — as a full appreciation of Baudelaire’s deepest contributions will require an inquiry which treats both his poetry as heard and which takes a deeper look as his own personal struggles [especially, as a child, as a poet, and as a lover]. I am presently working on this more difficult task. However, we note here that there are times when Baudelaire makes brief statements which are quite close to ideas presented by more systematic thinkers such as Pascal, Nietzsche, Freud, and Chomsky. These specific issues are to be addressed in the future.
End of Section on 33 Written Poems
IV. 11 Translators in Flores, Ed. (1958) [(n) = number of translated poems]
William M. Davis (2); Dwight Durling (3); Barbara Gibbs (8); Robert Fitzgerald (1); Kate Flores (6); Stanley Kunitz (1); Bert M-P. Leefmans (3); Frederick Morgan (1); Stephen Stepanchev (2); Vernon Watkins (5); Richard Wilbur (1)
V. Beyond these translations
A. Another Selection of Baudelaire’s Poetry translated into nuanced English Text
B. Further Considerations: Hearing Baudelaire’s Poems
A. Another Selection of Baudelaire’s Poetry translated into nuanced English Text
While the translations are often closer to the original French text than those in the Flores (1958) anthology, the translations found in the Fowlie (1968) Dual Language Book also provides superb nuanced translations which may be very useful to the reader who is not fluent in French. The book may also be easier to obtain — either from libraries or ON LINE. 20 of the 30 poems we have considered here are found on facing pages in the Fowlie selection [French on the left; English on the right].
20 Poems (and 1 Prose Poem) Translated (rendered) in both Flores (1958) and Fowlie (1968):
To The Reader/Au Lecteur
The Albatross/L’Albatros
The Enemy/L’Ennemi
The Former Life/La Vie Antérieure
Beauty/La Beauté
Spleen “I offer you this verse…/Spleen “Je te donne ces vers”
Invitation to Voyage/L’Invitation au voyage
The Cracked Bell/La Cloche Fêlée
Spleen “When the oppressive sky…/Spleen “Quand le ciel …”
The Swan/Le Cygne
A Voyage to Cythera/Un Voyage à Cythère
The Voyage/Le Voyage
The Abyss/Le Gouffre
Morning Twilight/Le Crépuscule du matin
Epigraph for a Condemned Book/Epigraphe pour un livre condamné
Prose Poem
Any Where Out of the World/Any Where Out of the World
B. Further Considerations: Hearing Baudelaire’s Poems!
At the present time I am working on evaluating ~40 poems by Baudelaire which I have heard as well as read. The selection of poems includes 20 of the 30 poems in the Flores’s anthology. These (more holistic) analyses will discuss the tonality and rhythm as well as the poetic conceits we have presented here.
Charles Baudelaire (1964). Flowers of Evil and Other Works/Les Fleurs du Mal et Oeuvres Choisies by Charles Baudelaire. Wallace Fowlie, Editor & Translator. A Bantam Dual-Language, Bantam Books: New York. 299 pages, paper [=xiii + 291]. [52 poems, 14 prose poems, prose (essays, reviews, assortae - including 3 letters) w. facing English translations.]
Charles Baudelaire (1968). Baudelaire. Francis Scarfe, Editor & Translator. Penguin Books: Middlesex, England; Baltimore, MD, USA. 282 pages, paper [=lxii + 270]. [143 poems w. smaller print plain English translations below.] [The introduction provides more biographical context than most selections.]
Angel Flores, Editor (1958). Anthology of French Poetry from Nerval to Valéry in English translations. Anchor Books, Doubleday & Company, Inc.: Garden City, New York. 480 pages, paper [xviii+456+6]. (French originals found towards rear in French Texts texts, pp. 287-443).
Spelling Notes: When no ambiguity is obvious, the author — following my earlier practice in both a Master's thesis and a doctoral dissertation, I do not use the ancient convention of transcribing those ungodly Germanic gutturals (gh, ght, etc.) which have not been used in most spoken English since the days of Alfred the Great.
I note that the English title's for the names of poems have not been standardized,
I especially welcome, however, corrections for any mistakes in French spelling which appear here.