Ghosts of Tom Paine: Decadal Review of Bush v. Gore (2000) [Post of Dec. 12, 2010]
INITIAL POSTS (June 2010):
Immoral Maxims of An Unjust Judge: Rhetorical Repartees and Constitutional Arguments Discrediting and Refuting Both the Quips and Substance of Antonin Scalia's Legal Opinions. Several Components: Maxims & Repartees; Appendices; References
Spiritual Intersections: Nietzsche's Aphorisms and Jesus Words (August 2010)
Henry Clay (Oct 2010)
Essays on Distinctions and Tensions between literal, parablefull, metaphorical and mythological religious language

Book Reviews (Supreme Court; Friedrich Nietzsche…)

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Blind Loyalty: A Message to Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, other Conflicted Republicans & more…

Blind loyalty, especially in politics and religion, is not loyalty — it is a form of betrayal. And when blind loyalty religion and politics are combined it becomes a cardinal sin, hypocrisy. Hatred of democrats (or republicans), of Muslims (or Christians) is not political glue — it is poison whether the Press covers the story or not.

Of course, there are many outside the Republican Party who face the same temptation, but they are not currently leading the charge against the realities of climate change, reasonable gun control, and the rights of citizens to vote. When the democrats or socialists or libertarians become as entrenched as the current group of Republican plutocrats and unloving hypocrites who lie about the religion of the President and their own unknown privileges while throwing insults around like candy for babies, even more resistance will grow out of the ground to oppose those evils as well. Probably the most dangerous lie engaged in by this current unholy Republican alliance led by millionaires, pretenders, and preachers is the belief that the Supreme Court of the United States should belong to the Republican party and its 'conservative' allies. Justice belong to no party — Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Communist, or Libertarian. Furthermore, whatever party, religion, or group you belong to — no state, church, nation, or world cannot remain half rich and half poor.

He or she who has ears to hear, let 'hem hear!

1 comment:

  1. On the other hand, consistency is the hobgoblin of petty minds. So Cruz called Trump a "pathological liar" and a "narcissist" after Trump belittled Cruz's wife and linked Cruz's father to a Communist conspiracy -- and now Cruz endorses Trump.


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